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Diverse Learning Environments


Toddler 1 - Younger Toddler

12 months - 2.5 years 

In this dynamic age group, every day is an adventure filled with exploration and growth. Our experienced caregivers provide a nurturing environment where toddlers can thrive both socially and intellectually. Through interactive play, sensory activities, and guided learning experiences, we foster their natural curiosity and support their emerging skills.




Toddler 2 - Older Toddler

2.5 years - 3.5 years 


At this age, children are beginning to develop independence and a sense of self. Toddlers enjoy exploring and exerting personal control over their environment, which is why specialized activities are offered for this age level.  Activities will focus on exploring various objects and hands on learning.


3.5  - 5.5 years


At this age, children begin to curate more comprehensive understandings of the happenings around them, and by extension, become quite inquisitive. Activities and programs for this room will address this, and provide as an outlet for learning and growth.


Outdoor Space 

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